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"I have no idea what I'm doing, but neither do my opponents. I figure I can muddle things up just as bad as they have, so why not give it a shot? A vote for me is a vote for complete freedom. For getting money back in your pockets. A vote for me is a vote to shake things up and make the system see that you're completely unhappy with the status quo. Just say F.U to both of the big two parties and let freedom reign."



Schools are for facts, government is for making rules. No more, no less. Proven facts and observations, learning how to make objective decisions based on Math, Language, and Science. That is what the class room is for. No religions, no alternative opinions. Facts. Same with government. Your personal truths have nothing to do with absolute truths. They don't belong in the halls of law makers. Ask yourself this question. "If I do ... will it interfere with the personal freedom of anyone else at all?" If the answer is yes, then you can't do that. If the answer is no, then go ahead. If the answer seems gray, you probably can't do that and you know it. Simple. It is also my view that religion is not the business of the federal government. Therefore, none of them will be allowed in public schools. No church will hold tax free status or receive public monies for any reason. Those who wish to teach their children religious studies should look into private education or home schooling. There will also no longer be public money distributed for religious activities, including Christmas lighting and holiday celebrations. This is to protect those who can not speak out for themselves about this issue., not as punishment for any belief.


This is a fabulous idea. I would love if we could all have the health care we need to remain alive. However, the issue is cost. Taxing the rich for everything isn't the solution. Eventually you will run out of other people's money. The costs of drugs is out of control., People have the right to make money, but not to gouge others with medicines. The mere fact that Canada an provide insulin for $26.00 while it costs $700.00 here suggests nothing but greed. This is a big problem, and the more I research this the more I will give you my opinion.


Another great idea, but with some real problems. First, who pays for it? Again, we run out of other people's money if we try it by just taxing the rich more. Second, and most importantly, the lazy factor. Who is going to do the most basic of things that no one else wants to do if you're being paid to cover your needs? Would you go and clean a swere if you didn't get paid extra or better for it? How many of you, if we're being totally honest, would do anything m,ore than enjoy your legal drugs and play games all day if you were given the choice by covering your basic needs and giving you no real reason to work at all? Be honest.


How hard is this? Take what you believe out of this completely. Assume first that global warming exists and will kill the planet and all life on it. It will cost a set price to prepare for and protect against it. If we assume it will happen and spend that money to prevent it, we spend that money and there is no disaster. Now, assume we prove it doesn't exist, and we spent that money for nothing to happen. Same cost. Now let's assume that we do nothing and nothing happens. We got lucky and spent no money. However, we did nothing and it IS real ... we lost everything because we didn't prepare. Global warming preparation is like flood insurance. You might never have a flood, but you'll be glad you were ready for one if it does come. It only makes sense to assume it can happen and prepare, same goes for meteor strikes.


To begin with here, I AM NOT DISCUSSING RAPE, INCEST, or ABUSE ... those only account for 1.4 percent of abortions based on the stats from planned parenthood and the US Abortion study. I'm also going to give you another full percentage and round up to account for accidents like broken condoms and failed birth controls.  These exceptions require a different set of circumstances and laws. As president I would resend all laws having to do with birth controls and their uses.  Any adult female may have her tubes tied when she requests it. Morning after pills will not be banned in any form. There are no logical reasons for these rules that affect the ability to cover the mistakes made by humans. I will also determine that an abortion will no longer be allowed once the fetus is determined to be scientifically alive. We will make a set definition of life based on facts, not beliefs. Once that time has elapsed, you have lost the right to choose, because you are now inhibiting the unborn's ability to choose. Plenty of information and chances to correct this are available up to that point, and if they have not been used by then, you were given the choice and chose not to take it. This isn't pro-life or pro-choice, this is pro logic. I will change laws to make sure there are no blocked paths before this point. This is not a war on women, this is a war on common sense. Again, this does not apply to cases of rape, incest, abuse, or situations where the mother's life would be jeopardized by the birth. Those rare instances will call for differing legislation.


In language there are words to define us. In science there are words to define us. In life there are ways you would like to be defined. In language there are only four sexualities, asexual, heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual. Everything else is a semantic. There are only two (three in very rare cases) genders. Male, Tran-sexual, and Female. This is simply scientific language. Until you have changed from one to the other, that is what you are. If you want to live your life as a male or female is up to you. If I were able to, I would change all bathrooms to all gender bathrooms. I would stop making urinals and go to all stalls. This would prevent any problems, and just like we do in all other places, those who break the rules of society by causing sexual issues and invading privacy in said stalls will be prosecuted. Bad people ruin things for everyone. We're all adults and can stay in our own stalls and not be crude to each other. Mind your own business. Keep your believes to yourself. If a deity doesn't like it, they can sort it out when you go meet them. Until then, freedom as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's freedom. 

Trans-gendered sports is a secondary issue. My opinion is simply this. Sports are private functions which the government will no longer be putting money in. As private institutions, they can do whatever they like and people can take it up with the various sporting commissions. The government will make no law to restrict an athlete from performing or attempting to perform in a sport that is private. 


We are not building a wall. Instead, we will be building a series of checkpoints. These will be cheaper than walls and fortifications. These checkpoints will be accompanied by shelters and accommodations, or "tent cities" that were used by previous administrations to contains families. These will instead be used to help give these people the correct paths to citizenship and work visas. This will free up our current Border Patrol Agencies to track down the cartels and gang members that we don't want within our borders. This will also create more jobs within the agency to process citizenship and visas. This will secure the border peacefully and safely, allow for the safe integration of these people with a legal method. Saving over all costs on the entire situation, giving the department of immigration the remaining funds to help find those who have overstayed their visas and make sure they are in compliance as well. This will also be backed up by my policies for the military.


I do not believe that the United States should be in a World Police situation. We have no reason to push our interests into other regions. If other countries want freedom, they will find a way to achieve it. We will slowly pull our troops back to our borders and bring them all home. We will continue to monitor dangerous nations and situations, however we will no longer be keeping stations in foreign regions where we aren't wanted, or where we do not belong. Our troops will protect our borders. They will be used to supplement our Border Patrols and protect our interests here.


All natural drugs will become legal without stipulation. The government will not provide these except where they must be regulated for medicinal use. The recreational use of all natural drugs will become decriminalized. All inmates currently incarcerated will be considered time served and released without further fines and supervision, unless other circumstances prevail. There will be laws to protect public safety, ie. driving while intoxicated and others. The possession, distribution, and use of said natural drugs will not be the business of the federal government. Manufactured drugs such as Meth, Crack, et al. will continue to be criminal, as these drugs represent a public safety issue. The makes of these drugs are using them to infringe upon the rights of others through addiction, and these drugs being created are dangerous to others during the manufacture. Meth labs are a danger to the homes around them,. Drugs determined to be medicinal, and non recreational will be used under supervision of a doctor, and used with a prescription to be obtained. Since the recreational use of Marijuana, Cocaine, and such is now legal, this shouldn't be much of a change to the users at all. If alcohol is legal, there is no reason these drugs shouldn't be either. We are adults, and not becoming an addict or abuser is your personal responsibility.


Marriage was once a religious function. It has since become a legal process to bind people together financially. Because it is a government institution now, and no longer falls under a religious definition only, it must be regulated. This is how I propose we handle that. Marry whoever you want. Marry as many people as you want. Provided everyone involved is of legal age to give consent, it is not the business of your federal government who you want to live with, share finances with, or sleep with. If you want to have multiple wives or husbands, please do. Insurance companies are private institutions, and can handle your situation how they choose, but if enough of you need insurance I'm certain the free market will provide it for you soon enough. Adults can make decisions for themselves and it is not the concern of the federal government. Churches that accept federal tax free status are considered public and will perform said weddings. If a religion wishes to refuse these services, they shall be considered a private institution and will not be allowed to accept any public fundings, or tax free status.


I propose we take as many of the abandoned shopping centers and malls located all over the country and change them into small cities for recovery and rebuilding of the poor. These places can be easily converted into sprawling institutes for education, therapy, feeding, and shelter of the homeless. Each city with one of these will be provided with free bus routes to and from the locations so that these unfortunate people can travel, have addresses to which applications can be sent, and a way to be located and given news about work, potential connections to family, and given help lifting themselves up from the poverty.

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